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- Herbal Skin Care Collection | Moisturizers & Serums
Calming lotion
- $48.95
- This healing and soothing lotion is highly enriched with vitamins and anti-oxidants to nourish the skin and enhance the immune function of dermal cells. The unique herbal properties strengthen, protect and rejuvenate the skin while natural moisturizers leave it soft, smooth and radiant. Excellent for use on sensitive and irritated skin or to stimulate healing after non-invasive facial treatments. Key…
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- Herbal Skin Care Collection | Moisturizers & Serums
Firming Lotion
- $48.95
- This quick penetrating anti-aging formula quickly firms the skin and provides deep hydration into the dermal layers. The finest Asian herbs smooth and tighten the skin to reduce the signs of aging and leave your skin looking absolutely radiant. Excellent for use on fine lines or as an overall face lotion. Key Ingredients: Tamanu Oil & Jojoba Oil Rich moisturizers…
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- Herbal Skin Care Collection | Moisturizers & Serums
Purifying Lotion – for troubled skin
- $48.95
- This high performance clarifying lotion decongests the skin removing imbedded impurities and toxins. The purifying properties detoxify and rebalance oil glands to produce proper amounts of natural moisturizers for your skin. The results are clear, clean skin that is soft and supple. Key Ingredients: Astragulus, Mulberry, and Licorice Root Remove surface impurities while detoxifying and purifying the skin. Artemesia Leaf,…
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- Cleansers & Toners | Herbal Skin Care Collection
Purifying Toner – for troubled skin
- $22.95
- This remarkable toner for problem skin penetrates deep within the dermal layers to detoxify and purify the skin. Anti-bacterial properties clear away blemishes while natural astringents remove trapped dirt and oil to prevent future breakouts. Key Ingredients: Chinese Angelica Root Anti bacterial and anti oxidant properties that purify and detoxify the skin. White Mulberry An anti bacterial astringent that lifts…
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- Herbal Skin Care Collection | Specialties
Hydrating Mist
- $19.95
- This pH balanced toning mist rejuvenates skin cells and naturally balances the skin. Each spray showers the skin in rich anti-oxidants protecting it from environmental stresses and damage. Key Ingredients: Green Tea Extract, Ginseng & Angelica Root Provide oxygenating properties to stimulate the proliferation of skin cells allowing for a toned, glowing, and youthful complexion. Aloe Vera, Vitamins A, C,…
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- Herbal Skin Care Collection
Normal to Dry & Combination Skincare Kit
$150.00$98.00 - Key Ingredients: * Chinese Angelica Root - A natural astringent that clears pores of excess oil and dirt. * Lilyturf Root & Magnolia Vine Fruit - Provides soothing moisture to soften the skin. * Astragulus, Mulberry, and Licorice Root - Remove surface impurities while detoxifying and purifying the skin. * Green Tea Extract (Camellia Sinensis) & Radix Polygoni Multiflori -…
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- Hand Sanitizers & Moisturizers
128oz Regular Hand Sanitizer : Refill size
$49.95$39.95 - Product Highlights: Antiseptic hand sanitizer Kills 99.99% of many common germs in as little as 15 seconds No foul smell Made with 70% ethyl alcohol by volume Meets or exceeds standards of FDA and CDC to fight viruses Made in the USA Bottles comes with flip cap or sprayer Use as a spray on door handles, shopping carts surfaces, and…
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- Jade Herbal Pillows
Jade Healing Body Pillows
- $49.00
- Dimensions: 18 1/2″ X 6″ The unique blend of jade powder combined with our special formulation of herbal grains stimulates acupressure points on the body to strengthen chi (energy), increase circulation, and promote detoxification. Relax muscles & joints Relieve low back pain Ease menstrual cramps
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- Herbal Skin Care Collection, Skin Care Travel Kits
Trial/Travel Kit
- $54.95 – $59.95
- Each eco-friendly package contains the most popular travel sized Skin Care herbal products.
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- Herbal Skin Care Collection | Moisturizers & Serums
Vitality Anti-Aging Lotion
- $62.95
- This highly active concentrate hydrates, protects, and visibly firms the skin. The anti-aging and anti oxidant properties of this formula strengthen, rejuvenate and nourish the skin, promoting cellular regeneration to keep your skin looking young and refreshed. Key Ingredients: Angelica Root & Radix Polygoni Multiflori Provide deep hydration and reduce the signs of aging. Euphoriae, White Peony, & Szechwan Lovage…
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- Herbal Skin Care Collection | Specialties
Harmonizing Mask
- $54.95
- This high performance herbal mask is specifically designed to remove impurities, nourish the skin and provide deep moisturizing properties. The herbal properties of this mask increase circulation and bring vital nutrients and anti-oxidants to purify, balance and protect skin cells. Key Ingredients: Ginseng Powerful anti bacterial properties that purify the skin. Increases circulation to the dermal layers providing essential nourishment…
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- Hand Sanitizers & Moisturizers
Premium Liquid Hand Sanitizer with Aloe Vera & Essential Oils 64oz
- $30.00 – $230.00
- Product Highlights: Soften, hydrates and nourishes the skins protective barrier Antiseptic hand sanitizer Kills 99.99% of many common germs in as little as 15 seconds Pleasant scent; No foul smell Made with 70% ethyl alcohol by volume Meets or exceeds standards of FDA and CDC to fight viruses Made in the USA Bottles comes with flip cap or sprayer Use…