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- Herbal Muscle & Joint Collection
Muscle & Joint Home Kit for Pain & Injury Recovery
$170.00$98.50 - Ideal for severe (Grade 2) pulls, tears or sprains of muscle and joints. Strong enough to help the most competitive athlete return to practice and competition quickly. Severe injuries require more assistance as circulation is impaired, energy doesn't move properly and the recovery process is often impaired. Without an effective recovery process, the injured body part can remain "stuck" with…
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- Herbal Muscle & Joint Collection
Muscle & Joint Therapeutic Cream
- $20.00
- Immediately experience the powerful effects of this centuries proven East Asian herbal formula. Jadience Muscle & Joint Extra Strength Therapeutic Cream penetrates quickly and deeply to prevent deterioration and injury, strengthen areas of weakness and discomfort and aid in the recovery of muscle and joint stress and damage. This exclusive formula improves circulation while removing toxins and internal bruising. This…
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- Herbal Slimming Collection
Slimming Patch
- $25.00
- Each box contains 6 days of applications Advanced Herbal Technology. Jadience Herbal Formulas is a leader in weight loss products. The Jadience Slimming Patch utilizes the revolutionary transdermal method of delivery, which allows the safe and natural formulation to quickly penetrate and absorb into the skin in order to boost your metabolism and control your appetite. The Jadience Slimming…
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- Cleansers & Toners | Herbal Skin Care Collection
Cleansing Cream – Normal to Dry Skin
- $19.95
- This luxurious formula deeply cleanses your skin, leaving your complexion radiant and rejuvenated. The emollient properties immediately quench and nourish skin cells, reaching deep down to provide continuous moisture. The results are smooth, hydrated, and supple skin that is clean and refreshed. Key Ingredients: Chinese Angelica Root A natural astringent that clears pores of excess oil and dirt. Jojoba Oil…
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- Hand Sanitizers & Moisturizers
Premium Liquid Hand Sanitizer with Aloe Vera & Essential Oils
- $23.99 – $265.50
- Product Highlights: Soften, hydrates and nourishes the skins protective barrier Antiseptic hand sanitizer Kills 99.99% of many common germs in as little as 15 seconds Pleasant scent; No foul smell Made with 70% ethyl alcohol by volume Meets or exceeds standards of FDA and CDC to fight viruses Made in the USA Bottles comes with flip cap or sprayer Use…
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- Cleansers & Toners | Herbal Skin Care Collection
Purifying Toner
- $19.95
- This formula harmonizes the skin and brings back its natural tone by removing excess oil and dead skin cells that clog pores and create black heads. Perfect as a toner or aftershave splash. Key Ingredients: Astragulus, Mulberry, and Licorice Root Remove surface impurities while detoxifying and purifying the skin. Green Tea Extract (Camellia Sinensis) & Radix Polygoni Multiflori, Impart vitamins…
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- Herbal Skin Care Collection | Moisturizers & Serums
Intensive Eye Treatment
- $45.95
- This intensive anti-aging formula is infused with the powerful properties of East Asian herbs, antioxidants and nutrients to dramatically increase cell renewal and support collagen fibers. Smooth away fine lines, wrinkles and signs of fatigue while correcting dark circles and puffiness. Key Ingredients: Tamanu oil & Jojoba Oil Rich moisturizers that absorb quickly into the skin, providing deep hydration and…
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- Herbal Detox Collection
Stress Relieving Detox Patch
- $25.00
- Each box contains 6 days of applications Advanced Herbal Technology. Stress can lead to muscle aches, headaches, fatigue, mental ambiguity, emotional imbalances, sleep irregularities and metabolic dysfunction. These symptoms of stress are some of the leading causes of illness and disease. Jadience Herbal Formulas unique formulation of East Asian herbs, such as Coptidis, Inulae, Corydalis and Cyperi, calms your mind, balances your chi, harmonizes your organ…
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- Cleansers & Toners | Herbal Skin Care Collection
Cleansing Cream -Normal to Oily Skin
- $19.95
- This non-irritating formula purifies and deeply cleanses the skin, flushing away imbedded dirt and excess oil. The herbal ingredients provide natural astringent properties, which aid in tightening the skin and pores without disturbing the skins natural protective barrier. This breakthrough formula is excellent for oily and problem skin and will leave your face clean, balanced and refreshed. Key Ingredients: Kaolin…
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- Herbal Detox Collection
Jade Total Body 3-Day Detox Home Treatment Kit
$90.00$69.95 - The following are symptoms signifying that detoxification is needed: Headaches, fatigue, indigestion, hay fever, acne, bloating, decreased energy, sluggish digestion, immune deficiency, PMS, etc. Powerfully detoxify your body and mind with this advanced Detox Home Treatment program. This kit features the healing powers of the precious jade stone, which has been used throughout centuries to deeply detoxify, rebalance and heal…
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- Hand Sanitizers & Moisturizers
Jadience Liquid Hand Sanitizer
- $18.95 – $175.00
- Product Highlights: Antiseptic hand sanitizer Kills 99.99% of many common germs in as little as 15 seconds No foul smell Made with 70% ethyl alcohol by volume Meets or exceeds standards of FDA and CDC to fight viruses Made in the USA Bottles comes with flip cap or sprayer Use as a spray on door handles, shopping carts surfaces, and…
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- Herbal Skin Care Collection
HydraNourish Body Lotion
- $27.95
- This luxurious, highly active body lotion is formulated with Jade and a proprietary blend of organic and wild-crafted herbal ingredients. This unique formula softens, protects and nourishes the skin. Improve skin texture, dramatically hydrate skin, and relieve fatigued muscles. Directions: Apply a thin layer evenly to body to help soothe, nourish and hydrate skin. Use morning and evening or as…